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Friday, May 28, 2010

Steal, lie and cheat...Please!

Well I finally got to watch the romantic comedy "Leap Year" tonight, and although I am a biased Amy Adams lover, this movie was full of hilarious and teary moments. I would not personally suggest accepting a marriage proposal after a week together; however I absolutely loved the scenes in which Declan and Anna attend an outdoor Irish wedding. The new bride gives the most beautiful and simple speech to her new groom. She says: “May you never steal, lie or cheat. But if you have to steal, then steal away my sorrows. If you have to lie, then lie with me all the nights of our life and if you have to cheat, then cheat death because I don't want to live a day without you.”

Let me know how many weddings you hear it at this summer! Anyways, rent it with some girlfriends and enjoy!

Next step: try to get my husband to speak softly to me with an Irish accent....yummy!
Likelihood of success: low

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