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Monday, February 7, 2011

A Posh Night in February

Mark your calendars - yet another smaller, intimate Wedding Show is coming up and I love the location! The Posh Wedding Show will take place on Saturday, February 19th from 4pm -10pm in the grab your girls and make a night out of it!

It is happening at The Summit (formerly the Merlot Rooftop Grill), a restaurant located at the top of the Ottawa Marriott Hotel on the 29th Floor (100 Kent Street).

It is being advertised as an event for "modern, sophisticated brides who want to feel glamourous, stylish and unique!" Ummmm, o.k., who doesn't consider themselves to be this person...No actually, I'm an old-fashioned and tacky bride and prefer to feel ugly and blend in with others!!! LOL!
Anyway, check out the details and a list of vendors here.

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