At a wedding I attended this summer, the photo booth was set up in a back corner of the room, so as not to distract from the other decor and elegance of the event. It also had a treasure chest of props for guests to wear as well when getting their pictures taken - now who can resist wigs, glasses, beaks and hats? Both young and old were having a blast in there all night (...the open bar helped people loosen up a little too I'm sure!) The best part was that the machine printed out two sets of each photo grouping so you could leave one copy with the bride and groom for their scrapbook and keep one copy for yourself.
Who doesn't love to look at pictures of themselves, honestly?! I have kept these pictures on my fridge and they still make me laugh daily!
I thought of this today as there is a Two-Hour Photo Booth Rental up for grabs on Ottawa's Living Social deals. Check it out here for all the fine print.